At the end of 2023, we traveled to Thailand again with 5 students. Among them were four Master’s students who had already completed the project and one Bachelor’s student who had just started her Bachelor’s project. The goals of the trip were diverse. On the one hand, we visited the JITMM conference and one of us gave a presentation here. We also organized an excursion to Chon Buri, where we met with users of the pilot phase of our DENCAI system. You can read more about our excursion to Chon Buri in another blog post. We also took the opportunity for the other systems and exchanged ideas with partners who are supporting the pilot phases. This allowed us to gather valuable feedback, which we passed on directly to the students in the Bachelor’s project. Last but not least, during our stay we also dealt with the search for Master’s and Bachelor’s thesis topics and discussed a wide range of topics in various meetings.

In addition to all the appointments and productivity, we definitely still had time to enjoy Bangkok. So far, we have always been in Bangkok in the first half of the year and now we had the opportunity to experience the pre-Christmas period in Bangkok. This is not only exciting because Thailand is a Buddhist country and the interpretation of Christmas there is very colorful. The rainy season is also over, which is celebrated with a beautiful festival of lights that illuminates the whole city. And even that wasn’t enough: there was also the birthday of the late former king and other celebrations such as the 5th anniversary of the Icon Siam Mall, which offered us a lot of attractions. On many days there were huge fireworks displays, light shows, Muay Thai fights etc. For future trips, we can definitely recommend watching a Muay Thai fight, taking a river cruise in the evening sun and going to the “Big Buddha”. The picture gallery offers a small impression of our leisure activities.